Without a doubt, social media platforms have become an excellent means of promoting products and services thanks to the large number of users they have.

Currently, running a business without a social media presence becomes a competitive disadvantage since a large percentage of relationships between consumers and companies are created through these types of platforms regardless of the size of the business. Now, despite the fact that the vast majority of networks that we are used to managing on a daily basis are related to the personal sphere, they are still powerful tools with which to publicize work projects, being very useful even for landscaping professionals.

It is fundamentally true that an early career and landscaping architects alike by coupling their skills with the amazing tools offered by social media can quickly gain more visibility, strengthen their identity, attract more willing clients to hire your services, generate more income and therefore give a great boost to their career.

In that particular regard, it’s extremely important to clarify that success in social media depends largely on the proper use of them. Making good use of networks does not mean creating a large number of profiles in the infinity of social networks that exist with the sole objective of promoting each of your impressive landscaping designs, since doing so would be misusing them. To be successful on social networks, you must make an effort to implement a good digital marketing strategy, which in turn implies being clear about several concepts such as what audience you want to reach, what message you want to convey through your publications and what is the goal you want to achieve.

However, in the field of landscaping it may be an arduous task to find people willing to hire services to enjoy impressive landscapes integrated with exclusive buildings such as the ones you offer, for this reason, it’s essential to previously study the design of the market and the strategies, since this reduces the risk of loss in any type of company.

Social media strategies

Website creation: Create a website through which visitors feel comfortable and can not only appreciate your fascinating landscaping creations but also get what they are looking for. It’s essential that you offer quality content and an optimized site design to ensure that potential customers do not navigate to other pages and increase your conversions.

Email: Whether you want to communicate your services to other companies or people with great purchasing power willing to invest in impressive green buildings and enjoy an environment made up of architecture and nature, you can promote it by email in the form of an informative newsletter. In this way, when they require a landscaping service, the first thing that will come to their mind will be your services.

Social networks: Thanks to the technological boom, the number of users who are active on social networks is increasing. Although it’s true, there are a large number of social networks, therefore, it’s essential that before deciding to create an account in any of them, you define your target audience so that you are clear about which social networks can help you obtain better results. Among the most popular networks are:

  • Facebook: According to statistics, Facebook has more than 1.86 billion active users, which makes it one of the most used social networks worldwide. In addition to this, thanks to its infinity of ads, the user can be reached in a simple way and you can carry out a detailed analysis of the people who visit your profile using the Facebook Insight tool.
  • WhatsApp: Although it’s not considered a social network, WhatsApp gives you the possibility of having a closer and more direct connection with your potential clients and you can offer them your landscaping designs in a more private way.
  • Instagram: As an architect specialized in landscaping, the visual material generated by your projects can be very attractive and shareable. Take advantage of the advantages that Instagram offers you as it’s a very visual social network to publish high-quality photographs of the construction process of your projects and, above all, of the final result.
  • Youtube: YouTube is a gigantic platform dedicated to video and allows you to share your lanscaping projects either in the form of a clip or a tutorial.
  • LinkedIn: It’s exclusively dedicated to showing you to the world as the landscaping professional that you are. All you have to do is make an effort to create a profile highlighting your professionalism and each of the projects that characterize you. This platform is ideal to create a network between professionals and show yourself to your potential clients.

On the other hand, it’s worth mentioning that the use of social networks must be carried out with the purpose of sharing valuable information with clients where there is a more direct interaction with potential clients that allows creating an environment in which they feel so identified that at When deciding to hire landscaping services, they are inclined to your services thanks to the support you have provided them through these networks.

Also, it’s key that you stay active on your networks, updating your content, responding to comments or questions, holding contests or giving advice that keep your potential customers constantly visiting your profile and offering the best possible treatment to your customers so that they This way you can build loyalty and what is even better is to expand your client portfolio thanks to the recommendations made by your clients to their friends or relatives.

Another advantage that architects obtain when making use of social networks is the possibility of measuring their results by analyzing the reactions of the clients, the publications that obtain the most likes and in this way determine if the strategy is working or if it should be modified. In short, for landscaping professionals, implementing a good strategy through social media to expose their designs and promote sustainability through their fascinating green buildings contributes significantly to boosting their career and increasing their income.

Originally posted 2022-01-20 19:38:38.

Published On: February 7th, 2025 / Categories: Service Scenarios /

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Originally posted 2022-01-20 19:38:38.