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LinkedIn Marketing Services

LinkedIn is a social media that serves us as a tool to connect with each and every one of the professionals in the world, whether natural persons or legal entities, being an easy-to-use platform and allowing the transmission of information or content of professional value through the profile of the user.

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LinkedIn Marketing

However, it is customary for people to get an impression or have a wrong perception of LinkedIn, calling it the social media that only allows uploading a CV to search for a future job.

Just to guide the future user a bit, LinkedIn does indeed allow you to upload your CV online, but it should be noted that it is not only this. LinkedIn has an approach that tends to be more like a life profile, full of dynamics, but always keeping in mind that it must be constantly updated to serve as a professional image on social media.

LinkedIn Marketing Services
Kate Schadler Client

For example, adding a job title after the relationship with your last job has ended or if you took an instructional course in the last few days.

Another aspect of this social media platform that we must take into account is that, as we said before, LinkedIn also servesto connect different professionals who seek to do business or simply share knowledge and work experiences with other users.

However, thanks to today, many companies offer LinkedIn marketing services, in case you do not know how to carry out this social media, since well-trained external personnel will allow you to create a solid foundation for your company or brand.

Using LinkedIn for business marketing will allow your company to create credibility with the public. Bearing in mind that depending on the objective that your company establishes, you can use LinkedIn to recruit staff and hire the people you think are correct and who can fit in with your company, or to allow your company to attract, depending on the services that you offer, to a certain type of public so that they really know your work and your brand.

The positive part is that being one of the LinkedIn marketing company, we can help you to occupy the first positions of the list of companies where, most of the users who understand LinkedIn, will want to be part of your organization or, if you are a professional independent will allow you to obtain more proposals in your work environment.

As one of the LinkedIn marketing agencies, we can help you in aspects such as following below

Use sponsored content correctly, in order to draw attention to the company with promotional items

Use strategies to define and classify your services in the correct professional groups and segment them by interest rates.

Sending promotional emails to people selected correctly, to rule out loss of customers.

Set dynamic search ads, in this way interested customers will be redirected to the destination pages of the company or product that is offered.

Create analysis and reports of the results that LinkedIn gives us, through which we can establish our marketing strategies or if we should continue with the same ones that are already being used. Following the publication metrics, we can also know the levels of interactions, actions or failures, in addition to the way or the means in which people managed to get your page.

Create performance analysis compared to competitors, in this way you can know in comparison with other companies, in which position yours is located taking into account the number of followers, updates, publications, and the interaction rate in general.

Establish special characteristics that allow you to attract the right audience with ad content, to attract traffic to our site with valuable content aimed at topics of interest to users.

Studies of whether the number of published offers are correct or sufficient, in order to make the right decisions for the growth of the brand.

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Taking into account these services, it must be borne in mind that in reality, the help of external experts goes far beyond a LinkedIn marketing company, since by hiring these services, content will be created with marketing strategies to attract the public in addition to constantly publishing articles based in your brand, industry or company, with the most up-to-date and innovative techniques to guarantee the first positions of your business in digital marketing.

And not only that, external experts are specialists in LinkedIn marketing consultant and solutions that allow you to fully exploit this social media, therefore, your audience or clients will receive valuable information for their interest, since LinkedIn Services are aimed at certain types business, and social media marketing so that you get the best results in the market.

We can also present certain LinkedIn marketing strategies that we must know to take advantage of and that every external expert will know how to carry out.

  • Share publications with highly attractive visual content, since, on many occasions at first glance, an image attracts more attention than a text, since both the use of images and videos tend to perform better on social media.
  • Optimize publications to have a greater reach, since the LinkedIn algorithm is to display content according to tastes, personal connections and interaction probabilities, which is why your publications must have a specific objective.
  • Publish at the correct time, as well as publish regularly, since according to studies, time and consistency are vitally important to attract more people.
  • Doing LinkedIn Live. They are more effective than posting a common video, just be original and hold private talks, interviews, webinars or events that allow you to connect with users.
  • Launch a page of products that you sell and offer, in order to show initiatives and be able to get involved with the community in general, since this serves as an alternative to attract people to your pages even when they do not actually follow you.
Team work discussion
LinkedIn Marketing Strategy

The truth is that LinkedIn increasingly arouses great interest in advertising budgets and according to studies of the investment analysis states, it is the social media that most people are betting on.

And to be honest, this is not the only study out there. Companies are beginning to feel more inclined to LinkedIn services because they see a greater return on their investment thanks to publications on social media, since, by offering quality content, the public developed greater engagement and shared the publications even more. In trend analysis, it was seen that the content that was shared on LinkedIn was growing, unlike other social media.

But remember, keep in mind the fact that you must properly define the investment budget, as well as determine what type of audience you want to reach, using appropriate language, as well as attractive images and taking direct actions that work with your brand.

For this and many other reasons, companies and B2B businesses (Business to Business) that exist today prefer to start their business through LinkedIn since they generate up to 80% of their leads through this platform. And even more when you can hire LinkedIn marketing services with external experts that allow you to ensure your profit.

So, what are you waiting for?

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