
YouTube has over 1.8 billion LOGGED IN users every month.3social media With video content you talk to your customers as if they are at your business and you are selling them the fine points to your product or service.

So how will these social media channels help your business? Let’s start with our sample company, La Flor, an urban flower and vegetable grower, and garden center.



La Flor has a retail shop, but also sells their flowers and vegetables to local farm-to-table restaurants in their area. They have monthly cooking classes and regularly reach out to their customers with seasonal notifications such as when to plant and till the soil, announce which plants and vegetables that are in season and for sale at the store, etc.

Here is how Social Media Worx will use different platforms to keep La Flor’s customers coming into their shop and buying their products and services:

On La Flor’s Facebook Business page we will create a current profile and cover photo, address and contact information and About page. La Flor will gain followers by newly created content that:

  • describes upcoming cooking classes (and follow-up links to YouTube videos for post- event viewing)
  • announces community events that La Flor participates in
  • Calls to actions for newsletter sign-ups, purchases and surveys
  • Downloads of recipes
  • General advice for the gardener
  • Event announcements for participating restaurants
  • Seasonal and holiday sale announcements
On La Flor’s Twitter page
  • we will create announcements of events with links to La Flor’s Facebook page
  • reminders for their upcoming cooking class with links to previous classes posted on YouTube
  • follow-up on recent events with links to their YouTube channel
  • customer service engagement through Direct Messaging
  • a look at what beautiful flowers of the week we have a message with pictures
  • hashtags that interlock with similar content, creating added viewership
On La Flor’s YouTube channel
  • YouTube is the social media site that will give La Flor the ability to sell the products and services they offer through video content.
  • with video, we will show their customers the layout of the store and growing areas as if their viewers are on location with a salesperson
  • we will post videos of their cooking classes
  • interview their participating farm-to-table restaurants and post the video
  • follow channels that complement their message
  • interviews of guest gardeners, chefs and happy customers

Social Media Worx has proven methods of bringing followers, buyers and influencers to business websites and social media platforms. We would love the opportunity to help your business grow, retain loyal customers and gain new ones.

Published On: November 30th, 2020 / Categories: Social Media Marketing /

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